If you happen to be in the group that pre-ordered a tablet from Kno, then it looks like you will soon get a holiday gift. Well, a holiday gift that you ordered (and most likely paid for), but still, the Kno tablets will begin shipping out as of this week.
And for those wondering what the Kno tablet is, worry not because it is not yet available for anyone and everyone to buy. Furthermore, it is aimed at the education market, with special emphasis that students would be able to read and take notes at the same time. Hence the dual-display version.
The tablets are sporting a 14.1 inch display and are available as a single, or a dual-display version. To touch a little bit on the ability to take notes, while that is possible, the Kno tablet also allows the user to annotate and highlight as well as take handwritten notes in the margins. Basically, they are made to be used just like a regular textbook.
That said, while regular textbooks are certainly not inexpensive, the Kno tablet comes with a starting price of around $900. And on top of that, there has been few (if any) reviews and current sales numbers remain a mystery. Given that, I would be a little nervous to buy in.
Of course, it is not all that easy to just make a purchase at this time. Despite those early pre-orders going out as of now, the product is not open for any and all. At present the order system was still described as being invitation only and that invitation is dependent on a “request for purchase” that must be filled out. Basically, it sounds like you need to get approval from the company before you can make a purchase.
Bottom line, we can only hope a few of those who pre-ordered and are about to receive a unit will be kind enough to post some pictures and share some thoughts.
Source: TFTS
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